Wednesday 25 July 2012

Finally, photos of Kaksi

You know, the Hard to Photograph One.

"Surely you put this up here for me?"

(My sister wanted to air her duvet. She did not count on the line hanging so low under the weight.)

Oh, and two posts on the same issue that you should read if you have not yet.
The Dreamstress on (not) valueing textiles.
Stephanie on the real value of artefacts.
That's what the "Museums" tag is for.


  1. My goodness - Kaksi looks just like our next-door neighbor, Prince!

    1. Does Prince also go all bearcat/binturong-like in winter? ;-)
      She gets so bear-like in her fluffy winter coat that we've taken to calling her Binturong, too.

  2. I never get that close to him, but I suppose his fur must get thicker, because my neighbor says he insists on going out, even in snowy winter.
