Saturday 21 July 2012

New acquisitions (something must go)

I entered a thrift shop (one of those I enter quite often), and found several things; I came home with two.

This cost me only 20 CZK. Because it promotes someone else's Alma Mater - the shop sits across the street from the Faculty of Arts, which makes a sweatshirt from the technical university almost contraband... But hey, that should not be a problem for a seamstress, right? It's a very quality material, made in the Czech Republic (that's rare!), and a lovely colour at that.


It comes with a fun little special something, too. The previous owner wrote "This is mine!!!" on the tag. It was, unwittingly, clever. Now it is mine!!!

And a hat. A fabulous hat, with a very vintage-y shape.


And the ribbon matches my tote!

These lovely new acquisitions are, also, a reminder to me to go through my T-shirt stash. I have lots and lots of T-shirts, mostly of the "workclothes" kind, and wear only a fraction of them regularly. Some must go.


  1. That *is* a great hat! (I'm pleased with myself that I figured out what the hoodie tag said before I read your translation of it.)

    1. Good thing I wrote the translation under it, then. ;-)

  2. Wow that is a good haul! :) Have you seen the Alabama Chanin work done with old t-shirts? Perhaps you could recycle a lot into a few fabulous ones!

    1. Of course I have - trying it out myself... Most of those I selected out today are very worn already or not nice materials, though, so probably something less "visible"...
      Some of them will go as linings into my sister's crocheted oven mittens (she has her own tried and trued recipe for long-lasting mittens. :-) There's one made from a quality material but covered in ads that I got in the USA that could be reworked into something...

  3. Replies
    1. I've fallen down the hats rabbit hole. I have four now, acquired over a relatively short period of time, and still want at least the one I dreamt up after museum ones... :-)

    2. Scratch that. Five; only one of them is such a special occasion one that I don't know whether I'll ever wear it. I will find a reason to at least once, though!

  4. OH MY GOSH THE HAT! I LOVES IT! Ok, enough yelling. You know me and hats are friends.

    I still gotta take photos of my new hat. *adds to to-do list*

    1. Forget diamonds. Hats are a lady's best friends, especially in summer. ;-)
