Monday 3 September 2012

A circle skirt in theory. And Kolme.

Namely, my sister's kathak dancing skirt. She bought a(n off-)white saree to make it from, because she likes the white and gold of the Pakistani kathak dancing costumes (and she prefers Pakistani kathak's lyrical - and monotheistic - nature). The saree will become the skirt and a blouse to go with it (which I promised to make her as a birthday gift). Well, part of the blouse part; the skirt takes up most of the saree, and this is how I figured out how much. It's, hopefully, going to be 32 godets. SCARY. Her current, ready-made, mauve skirt is made of 42 godets. EVEN SCARIER.


This is what part of the blouse part (actually, a blouse and a vest-like thing to go over it) has to, somehow, be made of. I have to make a muslin and figure out where the pattern should go... So far, I think the best solution is for this to become an outer layer of the vest part.

Ooh, and look!

This little one is, for the time being, named Kolme. Kolminka... Yksi has kittens. At least two; they're very well concealed kittens. Very quiet kittens, too - we can't hear them at all! Only when Kolme (apparently) fell down from the attic, we got to cuddle with her, and listen to her little voice complaining. :-)

Aww. Look at her large, set-at-the-sides ears! And that good-for-nothing little tail! And paws! She's already using her retractable claws! (Ouch.)

She's an explorer. She ventured as far as the grass.

She and Yksi did a little, unintentional mother-daughter slapstick show after this photo was taken. We could not stop laughing. As my sister said, much better than TV! ;-)