Sunday 18 November 2012

The buttons my grandfather made

My grandfather is a dental technician. Don't freak out just yet; it means he had always had easy access to resins.
That means he could make these:

Resin and ink shank buttons he made for my mom years and years ago. I don't understand the details of working with resin, but it basically sounds like something very easy (if you know how to work with resin) with very impressive results.

They were originally not attached to this bright blue jacket. The buttons that came with it looked like this:

It looked worse in real life than it does on the photo. This very bright, very blue jacket was fitted with greenish-greyish blue buttons; a very wrong colour that made it look shabby, while it is actually so bright and shiny and cool.

I pronounce my grandfather's buttons a big improvement.

(Bright and shiny and cool against a very shabby backdrop.)


  1. It's very cool to have homemade buttons!

    1. Yes. I think I need to learn how to work with resins... :D

    2. It's easy. I have to know, as I'm your granpa's son :-D
      You buy a powder part and a fluid part and then mix them together in a small glass. Then you put the paste into the form and knock on it so that the air bubbles come out. You let it harden. In some minutes it starts to be hot and then it becomes stone hard. And that's all.
